Smutted out by NPS Sula Jacobs and Two Crooked NPS Cops!

Smutted out by NPS Sula Jacobs and Two Crooked NPS Cops!

News Reports! To all that are interested especially a News Reporter – all below documented to Miami Dade Police Department and the National Park service. All emails and documents available for review. Biscayne National Underwater Park, the Biscayne National Park Concession, was forced out of business because the owner is Heterosexual and a Christian. NPS Sula Jacobs and her evil behind the scenes activities, that have been documented to the National Park Service and Law Enforcement at the National Park Service in Washington – AND THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT BY THE WAY – forced us out of business. Biscayne National Park still owes over twenty one thousand dollars for tours provided on a NPS credit plan. At present, Sula Jacobs has made no effort to pay the NPS debt. Sula Jacobs, in front of a Certified Public Accountant, my son the captain, and myself, were told the NPS computers were down, but don’t worry, we will pay you when we can – they never paid. Sula Jacobs has just issued a permit to an ex-employee Javier Morejon to operate tours in the Biscayne National Park. Please research: - He has been convicted of armed robbery with a deadly weapon, robbed the Mayors Jewelers in the Falls shopping center, poaching five times, and is an ex-cop! I reported Javier Morejon to Sula Jacobs personally and showed her documents where Javier Morejon had stolen property from the National Park Service – neither Superintendent Jacob or the law enforcement arm of Wayne Rybeck and Eddie, of the NPS, have done one thing about the theft – I refused to give him cash or be blackmailed. Morejon stole more than fifty thousand dollars from the concession, but Sula Jacobs refused to help, AND NOW SHE HIRES HIM TO WORK IN THE PARK!!! Miami Dade Police think it’s a NPS problem since the crimes were perpetrated on NPS property – NPS Jacobs and Rybeck won’t help – He got away with tens of thousands of dollars at this point… Biscayne National Park Law Enforcement officer Wayne Rybeck and his wife Astrid Rybeck and a third law enforcement officer, Eddie, who is now at Everglades National Park, behind the scenes tried to extort $1,200.00 in cash from me to give to Morejon and cause the failure of the concession – Eddie is at it again at another location, I refused to give a federal law enforcement officer, Rybeck, cash, in his office, on NPS property, with his gun belt on, the cash. He then threatened to attack my company with a frivolous legal attacks with Sula Jacobs approval – and they started a Grand Jury investigation into my record keeping – The federal prosecutor apologized to me and the case was dropped. The continued attacks, the NPS never paying their bill, left us no choice but to close the concession. I had taken the concession from bankrupt and closed to a half million dollars in revenue and then NPS Sula Jacobs smutted us out, as she had told other NPS personal she was going to do… and they warned me, but I did not give up easily. The park is void of a concession and now dealing with convicted poachers and crooked cops – Great decision by NPS Jacobs in my opinion. For further information or to view legal documents: 305-247-7469 – Our attorney will provide supporting documents. Thank you for your time!